Counselor Weekly- 10/12/23

Are You Ready To Be A Medicare Provider?

Hello, and welcome to Counselor Weekly! Thanks again for being part of the community!

Want to be a really cool person by referring your friends/colleagues a way to gain access to my newsletter!? Here's a link you can forward that will send them to my sign up page to begin receiving Counselor Weekly every Wednesday. I appreciate your support!

So let's get to it!

Here's the short and skinny of today's newsletter:

  • Meme of the Day

  • Interesting Articles

  • Soon LPCs will be able to accept Medicare

  • Cat Photo

Today is 10/12/23, and it’s National Farmer’s Day! Take a moment to recognize the hard working people who make it easy for us to go to a grocery store and buy our food. We tend to take for granted the privileges we have.

Until I have an official sponsor, looks like I'm the sponsor!

It’s live!

Find Your Supervisor is finally live! Just click HERE, or the photo above and it will take you right to the site. If you are an LPC Supervisor in Texas (sorry, starting in Texas only and will look at options for other states down the road), or a potential Supervisee looking for a Supervisor, this is the place for you! It's a directory for LPC Supervisors to market their services by listing their information so that potential Supervisees can connect with them and hopefully find a perfect match! If you have any questions, click REPLY to this email and I can answer any questions you have. Thanks again for allowing me this personal promotion! 🙏

Quote of the Day

And now some interesting articles:

For you and/or your clients.

We’re still in the infancy phase of AI, but it’s already creating ethics and legal issues within the mental health world.

You are probably seeing more clients with social anxiety. Here’s a helpful article with insights on better understanding the disorder, and how to cope.

LPCs will soon be able to accept Medicare Clients

This has been a long time coming! It’s finally here, effective January 1, 2024, LPCs and LMFTs will be able to contract with Medicare. This is a huge step forward in advocating for LPCs, but it’s also a whole new stream of referrals. Here’s a link from the American Counseling Association to explain the process:

Recommendations? Interesting topics you would like to know more about? All you have to do is REPLY to this email with your suggestions on how I can make Counselor Weekly even better!

Want to promote your business/product/book/software/etc. that is related to professional counseling or mental health? Send me an email and let's chat! Just hit REPLY to this message!

And, Finally the Cat Picture

Cats farming! Created with an AI image generator.

Don't forget to refer this newsletter to a couple of your colleague/friends! It's super easy- all you have to do is send them THIS LINK and tell them how great Counselor Weekly is, and that they need to sign up immediately! Thanks again for all your support!