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- Counselor Weekly- 6/7/23
Counselor Weekly- 6/7/23
Best Newsletter for Counselors on the Planet

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It’s almost ready to go live!
I'm launching a new site in the next couple weeks and you can sign up to be notified when it's ready to go! Just click HERE, or the photo above and it will take you right to the site. If you are an LPC Supervisor in Texas (sorry, starting in Texas only and will look at options for other states down the road), or a potential Supervisee looking for a Supervisor, this is the place for you! It's a directory for LPC Supervisors to market their services by listing their information so that potential Supervisees can connect with them and hopefully find a perfect match! If you have any questions, click REPLY to this email and I can answer any questions you have. Thanks again for allowing me this personal promotion! 🙏
So let's get to it!
Today is 6/7/23 and it's National VCR Day! How many of you remember those? Technology sure has changed since then.

Here's the short and skinny of today's newsletter:
Quote of the Day
Interesting Articles
AI and Mental Health
Cat Photo
Quote of the Day
“It is not primarily our physical selves that limit us but rather our mindset about our physical limits.” –Ellen J. Langer
And now some interesting articles:
I interned with a Sports Psychologist many years ago, and this was something he mentioned to be mindful of. Affirmations are not always the best approach with clients. This article helps identify strategies that utilize affirmations in a way that can be therapeutic for your clients.
This is applicable for both the therapist and client. Gratitude is a crucial part of mental health.
Clients suffering from depression and anxiety may find relief by doing good deeds for others. Another intervention that may be useful when working with clients.
AI and Mental Health
Welcome to the future! AI is going mainstream.
Just this week, Apple announced it’s new VR Headset, and we are seeing more integration of AI in the mental health field.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing topic of discussion in all professions. Regarding mental health, there’s multiple questions regarding ethics and benefits/risks of AI providing mental health advice. In fact, there was a major scare regarding an AI chatbot providing harmful advice to people suffering from eating disorders. Check it out here.

ChatGPT is an excellent example of the changes we are now facing. If you’ve never heard of it, check out this article to learn more. Basically, it can create an article, research paper, blog post, etc. by simply providing a prompt. In fact, next week I will create a post using ChatGPT to show you how impressive the technology is. How will AI affect mental health counseling? Only time will tell, but I’m hopeful that our profession is safe because we all still want that “human element” of therapy.
Recommendations? Interesting topics you would like to know more about? All you have to do is REPLY to this email with your suggestions on how I can make Counselor Weekly even better!
Want to promote your business/product/book/software/etc. that is related to professional counseling or mental health? Send me an email and let's chat! Just hit REPLY to this message!
And, Finally the Cat Picture

It’s summer, get out there and have a good time like this jet skiing cat! By my son, Cole.