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- Counselor Weekly- 4/26/23
Counselor Weekly- 4/26/23
Best Newsletter for Counselors on the Planet

Hello, and welcome to Counselor Weekly! The newsletter that goes great with a delicious cup of coffee.
Thanks again for being part of the community!
Want to be a really cool person by referring your friends/colleagues a way to gain access to my newsletter!? Here's a link you can forward that will send them to my sign up page to begin receiving Counselor Weekly every Wednesday. I appreciate your support!
Until I have an official sponsor, looks like I'm the sponsor!
I'm launching a new site in the next couple weeks and you can sign up to be notified when it's ready to go! Just click HERE, or the photo above and it will take you right to the site. If you are an LPC Supervisor in Texas (sorry, starting in Texas only and will look at options for other states down the road), or a potential Supervisee looking for a Supervisor, this is the place for you! It's a directory for LPC Supervisors to market their services by listing their information so that potential Supervisees can connect with them and hopefully find a perfect match! If you have any questions, click REPLY to this email and I can answer any questions you have. Thanks again for allowing me this personal promotion! 🙏
So let's get to it!
Today is 4/26/23 and it's National Get Organized Day! Look to your right and left in your office. See those piles of paper?? Today's a good day to get that stuff put away! 👊

Here's the short and skinny of today's newsletter:
Quote of the Day
Interesting Articles
Lame Job of the Week
Cat Photo
Quote of the Day
But happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue. One must have a reason to "be happy." Once the reason is found, however, one becomes happy automatically. As we see, a human being is not one in pursuit of happiness but rather in search for a reason to become happy, last but not least, through actualizing the potential meaning inherent and dormant in a given situation.
If you've never read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, I would highly recommend it:

And now some interesting articles:
Sometimes it happens... You hit that moment when working with a client when everything is going well and the conversation seems to stall. This is a great thing because things are getting better! The article provides some direction in how to move forward. One of the most important things is addressing if it's time to cut back sessions to maintain client autonomy. Sometimes therapist fall into a trap of keeping clients when it's time to reduce sessions, or talk with the client about ending therapeutic services due to client meeting all treatment goals.
As a Supervisor, I hear this all the time, and even feel that way sometimes myself. If you ever struggle with imposter syndrome, this article does a pretty good job of explaining what it is, and how to combat/overcome it.

To build happier, more meaningful lives, you shouldn’t disburse your time in the pursuit of money; you should use your money to better facilitate your time.
This article's a little more geared to your wellness and lifestyle. As a private practitioner, there have been times in my life where I worked 6-7 days a week in the pursuit of strictly financial gain. This article helps challenge the concept of being solely focused on money and creating better balance. Money's important, but not everything!

Lame Job of the Week

I seriously can't make this stuff up!! Above is a picture of current job openings for the City of Irving in Texas. Here's a breakdown of how outrageous this is:
The Counselor job tied for the lowest paying job and requires the following:
A Master's degree and minimum of 2 years experience.
Required to be bilingual.
The work is high-stress, providing counseling to crime victims.
Required to present training to interns and the community.
Requires working three evenings a week.
And my personal favorite, the candidate is subject to a polygraph examination as part of the hiring process!!
The firefighter job requires a minimum of a GED and you have to be at least 21 years old... And pays WAY more.
The Park Services Manager requires five years of experience and a bachelor's degree. Pays over $120K.
The Animal Shelter Supervisor is getting paid the same as the Counselor job and here are the requirements for that position:
Requires and Associates degree (or equivalent), and three years working in the field. That's basically it! 😳
Finally, I didn't include this in the initial photo, but here's a link to an Administrative Assistant position for the City of Irving with a pay range of 48K up to over 67k per year.
This isn't meant to downplay the other positions in this post, but to serve as a reminder to advocate for our field. My hope is this information inspires you to advocate for greater pay and benefits. You are a professional providing VERY important services and should be paid your worth!!
Recommendations? Interesting topics you would like to know more about? All you have to do is REPLY to this email with your suggestions on how I can make Counselor Weekly even better!
Want to promote your business/product/book/software/etc. that is related to professional counseling or mental health? Send me an email and let's chat! Just hit REPLY to this message!
And, Finally the Cat Picture

Cat Dance Party! By my son, Cole.